Monday, May 26, 2014

Running Races Vs. Racing

Now that I have had 24 hours to reflect on yesterdays race, I have some thoughts to share on what was different about the last 2 races.

I have run 6 half marathons and probably a dozen other races.  As I pondered what I did differently to have the success I had yesterday, it dawned on me.

I have run many races...  I have not RACED them.

I have always trained to the bare minimum.  I was running 5K's when that was about the max distance of my training runs.  I ran half marathons only hitting 10 miles once, two weeks before the race.  Yes, I finished the races.  But, I held back my pace knowing I needed to be conservative because the distance was more than I was trained for.

I ran a half marathon at the end of February, maintained a decent long run base and ran a half in April.  After that disaster, I again maintained my long run before my 3rd half in May.  I knew I was trained to run the distance, so the focus shifted to a pacing strategy.  Aside from the leg cramp which cost me time, my pacing was spot on.  Even with that unplanned slow down, I was able to PR.

Going into yesterday's race, I was more than trained to run 3.1 miles.  So again, my focus was on pace.  I have been going to track workouts with my local running club for about a month, so I've had a chance to try out running at a faster pace for short distances and was able to get a better understanding of what pace I could reasonably hold.

I discovered something about myself yesterday:

I love racing!

Sure, I've known that I enjoy having fun at races, seeing friends, having a beer and all the post race run.  But, I mean, actually racing.  Running faster than I did last time.  Running to beat the clock.

I may cross the finish first, but do plan to win my races.

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