Saturday, May 24, 2014

Accidental PR

I haven't run much since last weekend's half other than some speedwork on Wednesday night with my local running club.

I felt like I wanted to get a few miles in to see how my legs had recovered and make sure I was loose for tomorrow's 5K race.

My daughter had a t-ball game at a field 3 miles from our house.  So, I had my hubby drive the girls and I decided to just run and meet them there.  I intended for this to be an easy, relaxed run.  I turned my Garmin on so I would have a record of my time, but didn't look at it AT ALL until the end of the run.  It was raining the first half of the run and I just went by how I felt.

Whoops!  When I got to the end and checked my watch...  I averaged a 9:52 pace.  If I had run another .1 mile,  it would have certainly been a new 5K PR for me.  ::sigh::

I have yet to get a sub-30 in a 5K and I have been hoping that this would be my weekend.  I was just hoping it was going to be in tomorrow's race, not today's easy run.   I'm crossing my fingers that my legs will feel just as fresh tomorrow and that I can push the pace just a bit more.

Stay tuned....

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