Saturday, May 31, 2014

8 Mile Epiphany

I set out on my long run this morning with a new attitude.  Thanks to a recent post by my friend Run Far Girl, I decided to follow her advice to "Run the run you're in".  While I've had success in my recent training cycle, I'm starting to feel burnt out.  Not really how you want to feel just before you begin to train for a marathon.

I let myself have a no workout week.  I still went to my clubs track workout since I value the interaction with other runners just as much as I do the actual workouts.  It wasn't my best workout, but I was still out there.

Today I decided to do 8 miles.  Focusing on the run I was in and the purpose of the long run, I set my pace and stayed comfortable and relaxed the whole time.  I didn't push the pace.  I didn't use any fuel.  I just went out and enjoyed the run.  Who knew?

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