Sunday, May 25, 2014

Redhook 5K

Redhook is one of those races that I use to really measure my progress as a runner.

The first time I ran it, it was just weeks after my first ever 5K.  Today was my third time on the course.  I've come to know the curves and elevation well.  It's not flat, but not hilly.  It's not scenic.   In other words, it's a perfect 5K course.  Get in, get out as fast as you can.  It's the food and beer at the after party that everyone goes for.

My times for my first 2 attempts were:  35:39 and 32:04

This morning was a bit humid, but cloudy.  Temps were in the mid-50's.  Perfect for running.

I love the race but the one thing they could do better is the start:  With 2000 runners, a wave start would be much appreciated.  It's a 2 lane road, but that first mile is crowded and dangerous.

I started out and I thought I was probably going faster than I should but given the crowds, I just went with it hoping it would break open so I could slow down.

Mile 1 ticked by at 9:13.  Yikes.  It started to open up, so I tried to relax into a rhythm and hold back a little.  Mile 2 ticked by at 9:19.  So much for slowing down.

I went into this race trying for a sub-30.  I knew I needed to keep my average pace below 9:40, and at Mile 2 I felt confident that even if I slowed down a little I could still reach my goal.  The last mile has 2 small hills but I was able to hold my pace.  On the last hill, you start to hear the finish line announcements.  Mile 3 ticked by at 9:16.

I made the final turn and headed to the finish.  Seeing that finish line clock ticking away, I put on a little push.

I crossed the line in 29:05.  Not only did I break 30 minutes, but I came damn close to breaking 29!

New 5K PR!

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