Wednesday, August 3, 2016

A Mental Game

Training for the 2016 Hartford Marathon is well under way.  A couple of months ago, I spoke with a running coach about a time goal.  I thought he was crazy.  I *knew* there was NO way I could run the time he said I could.

And yet...

A couple weeks ago, I had a 12 mile training run.  There was a half marathon that weekend and the weather looked unusually cool for a July race.  So, why not?  I registered on a Thursday for a Saturday race.  I hadn't run much that week other than 3 miles Thursday night.

The weather was ideal for me:  mid-50's, cloudy with scattered light rain.  Just enough to cool you off without soaking your shoes.  My goal was 2:30 and I started just behind the 2:30 pace group.  I knew I might lose them in the beginning, but was confident based on my training, that my later miles were my fastest and I would catch up.

That's exactly what happened.  They got away from me at first, I caught up with them around mile 4, passed them around mile 6, and never saw them again.  My time was 2:27:17 on a hilly course.  A 12 minute PR!  I felt amazing.  I followed my pacing strategy, felt strong on the hills, and gave it all I had.

Fast forward a few weeks.

I had a 10 mile race on my schedule that I had planned to use as Proof of Time for Disney.  However, I was so happy with my half time, that I didn't feel like I *needed* this race.  I went anyway and honestly wasn't feeling like it was my night.

I had slacked on training the week before, it was the end of the day, a little warmer than I would have liked and getting there was just a comedy of errors.  (Nothing like walking to the start area only to realize you left your bib in the car!)

I had hoped to run somewhere around a 10:50-11:00 mm.  I started out at a pace that felt relaxed and easy.  At 2 miles, I was well under this pace at around 10:20.  I started to doubt whether I could hold that or not, and at several points during the race attempted to pull back a bit just in case.  But, I was able to hold on with only 1 of my miles being above a 10:40.  I finished with a time of 1:45:11 which is approx 10:31 mm.

Rewind to that discussion with the coach.  As it turns out, my recent race times would indicate that he was right.  I can run those paces.  It is a realistic time goal.  I can race more aggressively than I have in the past.  My first half marathon was a horrible experience and I think that has had a strong mental hold on me for the past 4 years. But, no more.  I can hold a pace.  I can push harder.  I can race smarter.  It's all a mental game...  and I'm winning it.

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