Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Sometimes life hands you lemons.  Traditional wisdom says, make lemonade.  But, what if you don't like lemonade?  That's why I run.

There is something about running that calms my soul more than any other activity.  It's the soothing rhythm, the physical exertion, the time alone to zone in on only my thoughts and feelings.

This week dealt up a big ol' pile of lemons.  Our oldest daughter was diagnosed with scoliosis and will need to wear a back brace 21 hours a day for the next few years.  We are thankful beyond words that this diagnosis is not life threatening.  We are more fortunate than many families today.  But still, it feels like we've been punched in the stomach.  This is not the life we imagine for her.  This is not the life she deserves.  And, there's nothing I can do.  As a mother, that's the hardest part.  I can only stand by her side and walk with her through this journey.  I can't make this go away. 

So, I run.  I run to clear my head.  I run to have time to just breathe.  I run so she doesn't see me cry.

And, when I'm done running, I put back on my suit of armor and am ready to fight another day with her. 

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