Sunday, December 6, 2015

15 (million) Miles

Sunday was a beautiful, unseasonably warm day. Perfect for a run.

Unless you are me.  Then, it was the worst run in a really long time.  Like, since I started running again.

Miserable.  I only had 4 hours sleep, had already worked 4 hours at a physically demanding job, was not well fed or hydrated.  The absolute perfect set up for my first ever 15 miler.  WooHoo!

I started off listening to my favorite podcast and the first 3 miles went fairly well.  After that, it was downhill.  Mentally, I just wasn't in it.  Then, my right calf started to hurt.  I knew my form was off and I started to doubt whether I would (or should) finish this run.

In the end, I did finish.  It wasn't pretty.  It wasn't fun. And, I'm sore.  Very, very sore.  But, I ran 15 miles!  My longest training run ever.   2 long training runs left....

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