Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year, New Goals

I've been pretty quiet these last 2 weeks.  Partly, because I (like most of us) have been insanely busy with holiday hoopla.  But also, it's taper time.

I missed my last long run.  My ankle was cranky and I was short on time.  I thought it better to rest and show up healthy, rather than sick or injured.  So, I've taken taper to the max.  No working out at all this week.  (Unless you count my 12 hour retail shifts....)

So, as I begin packing to go run a marathon next weekend, I am thinking about new goals for 2016.

My goals for 2016:

Finish the WDW Marathon

Run a marathon for time

Run a 2:15 half marathon.


Hopefully, one year from now, I will have a checkmark next to all of these...

Happy New Year!  Run Safe, Run Happy, Run Healthy!

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