Monday, April 28, 2014

The PR That Wasn't.

This weekend I was registered for a half marathon.  It was supposed to be my PR race.  I maintained a good long run base after PHM '14.  3 weeks ago, I ran the most kickass 10 miler I've ever done.  Granted, in the 3 weeks since, I haven't gotten as much in as I would have liked, but it wasn't *that* drastic.

Anyway, there were some course surprises (cooler temps, muddy trails, super-sized hills) and I just didn't have it.    I did set a PR:  worst non-Disney half I've ever run.  Seriously.  It was almost 10 minutes slower than my first ever half.  Awesomesauce.

But, today I picked myself up.  Wiped off my shoes and am ready to start a new journey.

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